April 2013 Monthly Forecast for All Sun Signs

Planet Mars rules over your sign. This month is the transitional month or period of change for you. Your ruling planet will enter your own sign on 12th , the south node of Moon, ketu, is already posited in your sign, and then rest of the planet brigade-Venus and Sun will also enter your sign. Generally in my experience, our reaction towards change is not proactive. You may feel anxiety, tensions or problems in your life. It is the nature of this universe that we will have to keep growing whether we want to or not. The transitional phases of life are really an opportunity to think of how we can push ourselves further, to achieve our goals. Please mark dates 18th, 25th through 28th on your calendar and do not schedule any important work on these dates and, if you do feel tensions or problems, on or near these dates, think it is divine wish to bring better things in your life….

Planet Venus rules over your sign. This month there is a ‘mob of planets’ affecting your physical and mental well-being. You are probably not too pleased with your daily work routine and money matters and probably universe understands this. Please mark dates 18th, 25th through 28th on your calendar and do not schedule any important work on these dates. Planet Jupiter, the divine planet of abundance, is due to leave your sign in another two months. Whatever happens in next 3 months will bring more money opportunities for you but you may have to work extra hard to fulfill your wishes.

Planet Mercury rules over your sign. Not just the month of April but coming 6 months professionally there are some big changes indicated in your solar chart. At work place, some administrative changes / management shuffle is possible or maybe you get a good offer from a rival organization. Cut throat competition, rivalry, anxiety and tensions looks high at work place but then results too will be dream like. Divine planet of good luck and abundance is due to enter your Sun sign in next two months, but high drama will begin before. Please mark dates 18th, 25th through 28th on your calendar and avoid making career decisions, on or near these dates, if possible. 

Moon rules over your sign. Your professional and personal life is at crucial planetary angle this month. There is a kind of a planetary training drill beginning from 10th of this month that will last for another 5 months and will transform your life but the greater our potential, the more likely we are to fall – many, many times until we get it right! Probably, you feel isolated or alone, however please do not worry all this is about to change. Everything that happens in our lives happens as part of a larger process. Sometimes we need to undergo trials in order to find a better life that we never could have imagined for ourselves. Three months from 10th, some new and positive career opportunities for you is indicated but avoid taking any important career decision near or on 18th, 25th through 28th.
COLOR: Pink.

Sun rules over your sign. Sun, the soul of the zodiac, enters Aries, the first sign of the zodiac on 13th April, a Baisakhi day. In astrology there are 12 Sun signs and Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and symbolizes new beginnings. First Venus, the planet of prosperity and money, the Sun and planet Mars will lay emphasis on your learning, publishing, media, communication and travel sector. For students, especially those who want to apply for foreign universities, next two months are very good. Please mark dates 18th, 25th through 28th on your calendar and do not schedule any important work on these dates. Astrology is all about timings if you act when time is favorable you get success in your endeavor!!
LUCKY COLOR: Pale yellow.

Planet mercury rules over your sign. Money, money and money….well this is the theme for next 5 months for you. You may invest money in real estate or need money for some important business project. You are about to take some important monetary risks but please mark dates 18th, 25th through 28th on your calendar and do not schedule any important work on these dates. Life is something that happens to us randomly, bringing happiness one day and sorrow the next but life always changes and this is the wisdom that we acquire over many years. Jupiter, the planet of good luck, is about to enter your career sector from 30th May, so whatever happens in next two months has some greater meaning but my astrological advice is not to take any big career or money risks this month.  

Planet Venus rules over your sign. For you Librans, the high drama of life begins from now…..Saturn and Rahu(a node of Moon famous for keeping secrets) placed in your sign and big mob of planets- Sun, Mars, Venus and Ketu looking at your sign directly, and to top it there will be a big lunar eclipse on 25th in your Sun sign, even a film writer couldn’t have written better suspense script than this….. life is reaching its tipping point and what happens in next one year is your ‘destiny’. According to the laws of universe, in each person’s life circumstances are created, be it obstacles or for growth,  measure for measure what is needed to grow in a way that is unique for his/her soul, there is a precise balance that exists, though we human being do not understand this. Without actions of change, our destiny path remains unlocked or dormant. 25th through 28th, will be difficult for legal or matters concerned with government.

As per Vedic astrology, planet Mars rules over your sign and this month your ruling planet will enter its own sign of Aries. Next three months is a busy time for you, 24hrs a day may seem insufficient to complete your work, family and social obligations but Scorpios, this is no reason to neglect your health, and I foresee, you won’t. You may join gym or yoga classes. You probably feel lonely or sad for some reason and to fill this gap you may keep yourself super busy in next three months. There is a big lunar eclipse in your physical and mental well-being sector, on 25th. Sometimes, not always, universe discloses some secret or hidden meanings and manipulations during eclipse time.    
LUCKY COLOR: Golden yellow.

Planet Jupiter rules over your sign. Your personal life and your children’s welfare will be something you will be concerned this month and this is positive tension, nothing negative about it. If, you are unmarried, then matters of heart will make your heart flutter. At work, high level manipulation is indicated that is, someone posited at top management level or your boss may play office politics. The challenges or difficulties we face in our lives are never the real problems, it is problem only when we believe we cannot overcome it. Planetary tide, from13th of April through 17th May, will not be easy for all of us no matter what Sun sign, we all can expect to be affected in some way or the other, however learning to rise above these cosmic influences is the main advantage of reading astrological forecast in advance.   

Planet Saturn rules over your sign. Are you planning to buy a property or a house? Are you planning to take a bank loan? If your answer is ‘yes’, planets will help you this month. Selling/buying of real-estate in next 2 months from 13th is indicated for those who are interested but remember everything that you desire (regarding property/real estate) will happen with great effort. Astrology is all about timings if you act when time is favorable you get success in your endeavor. Please mark dates 18th, 25th through 28th on your calendar and do not schedule any important work on these dates. For you, an astrological advice, avoid confrontations or heated arguments over sensitive issues with anyone in family.

As per Vedic astrology, planet Saturn rules over your sign. This month is super busy month for you. Yes, you can generate extra source of income or can even make good savings and if month of April-May is annual increment time, you can expect good salary increase, however such circumstances will be created that may bring heated arguments. Someone, I foresee an authoritative male, may act difficult. If, you are feeling stressed about something taking advice from your sibling (probably elder brother) or a friend will be enormously helpful. You may make travel plans and book your tickets in the months of April and May. Please mark dates 18th, 25th through 28th on your calendar and do not schedule any important work on these dates.

As per Vedic astrology, planet Jupiter rules over your sign. Sun, the soul of the zodiac, transits through your sign and will shift to next sign on 13th. Your focus may be on your personal values and all matters concerned with money will become very strong from 14th. Avoid 18th, 25th through 28th for money transactions or investments. On 25th, there is an important lunar eclipse in financial sector of your solar chart.  This eclipse also has to do with your own personal transformation, sexuality, relationships, and joint financial situations.  One or all of these topics may become a source of anxiety and frustration for you but in actuality you are being shown by universe to make changes for your own Highest Good. Try to be flexible. Opportunities for many new beginnings are all around you. All eclipses are unpredictable in nature, so how and what happens is hard to predict, sometimes, not always, you may have to face some challenging situation.  Months of May, June and July will be monetarily very good for you.
LUCKY COLOR: Honey brown.
