Destiny Paths of Rich and Famous’

To acquire wealth and power in our own lifetime is probably the dream of many but it is the destiny of only few of us who struggle and reach the enviable positions in their lifetime, to explain-there have been hundreds and thousands of freedom fighters in India prior to Mahatma Gandhi but by his principles of non-violence he achieved where others failed, Steve Jobs experimented with different pursuits before starting Apple Computers and Apple's revolutionary products, which are now seen as dictating the evolution of modern technology. It is luck, timely ideas for action and appropriate attitude that helps move forward in life, okay, but how to know this? Astrological knowledge may be helpful here.
Sometimes in life, a sense of uncertainty about the direction of our life makes most of us feel trapped in a situation that is probably not to our liking. I believe the Universe is very fair and just. No phase, good or bad, remains in life forever. Life does have profound meaning and purpose, even if we are not sure what that is. As per astrology, Saturn’s period is the important time of personal transformation whereas Jupiter’s period reveals expansion and growth in life. Jupiter, the planet of divine help, task is to bring good luck. Saturn period is considered very important in Vedic astrology and even may be afraid of Saturn’s phases. Saturn’s Sade sati (Saturn transit near natal moon), Ashtama Shani (Saturn in transit in eighth house from moon), Saturn Mahadasa (a period of 19 years according to Vimshottari dasha system) are often discussed as periods of transition in Vedic Astrology. Saturn governs our karmas. Saturn walks us through experiences that are educating and leads us to what we deserve according to choices we make or our karma. Though, we may not know (that is have evidence to support the theory) but in this Law of karma in Universe not even an atom (so is true for a soul) may be destroyed nor suffer injustice and all will attain the End rightly!! According to the laws of karma in universe, there is a precise balance that exists in each person’s life. Each of us is given measure for measure what we need to grow in a way that is unique for our soul. We don’t see how a particular occurrence in this lifetime is connected to the events in an earlier one, but once we understand the working of law of karma, the seemingly random events suddenly take on new meaning. Life is not something that happens to us randomly, bringing joy one day and tragedy the next. Thanks to the accumulated karmas from our past lives, all of us are born with pre-determined destiny paths in each life and present karma and choices we make decides future course of events. In palmistry, fate line is also called Saturn line.
Beyond predictions astrology also teaches us, it is not only enough to be born with a good (or bad, as you may see it) destiny but it is also necessary to model a fate that would help us to bring a sense of achievement. It is entirely logical to assume that our karma, past cannot be changed but present karmas are powerful tool to control the overall results of our life and it is up to each of us to use it the way we want. I will give you an analogy to explain this—say, we are born with 5 feet body height, once an adult it cannot be changed but we can wear heels (present karma) another example, we are born with black color eyes but through our present karma we can change the color of our eyes (yes, wear blue contact lens). Whenever in life we are running Saturn periods we must take this period as period to bring modifications in our karma for betterment. We have to believe in our greatness for ourselves. Money and fame doesn’t happen by constantly pursuing it and even if it happens it is not a guarantee for happiness. Jupiter’s periods in life are reward time. Jupiter’s transit over key angles in our horoscope chart brings growth, happiness, wealth, promotion and rise. It is a popular saying, to test a person’s personality give him wealth, probably this is the reason in Vedic astrology, Jupiter mahadasha is followed by Saturn mahadasha. If, we make right choices in Jupiter’s period then Saturn periods bring ….a destiny path that others envy or would like to follow.

There are several talented, innovative and committed people in all countries but only few through karma (past and present) fulfill their lives but an acceptance and understanding about the control we have on our own destinies is in itself a step in the right direction and this is probably the real purpose of knowing past, present and future through astrology!!!!
