September 2014 monthly forecast; LEO-SCORPIO

From 1st through 8th, is an ideal time to begin something new and gives you a fresh start to make important progress over the next five months. It is a time to reinvent yourself and this may also be reflected outwardly in some personal way, such as with a new hairstyle, new style of dressing or may be manner of expressing and presenting yourself. You may even focus on changing personal habits and may be lifestyle in ways to improve your confidence in yourself. From 5th and all of this month and also first 10 days of the next month, you may think of house repairs, re-decorating, or family activities. In fact, you may also feel very restless or moody. You may also encounter opposition from some people at work working up about old angers from the past. From 8th through 15th, love relationships will be especially strong now. Money matters, from 16th September through 30th of October, will be at the forefront of your mind. Maybe, maybe only, so Leo, cross your fingers, money may add in your bank account and increment is also on line.  Another possibility, you may cut down on your unnecessary expenditures and this may you’re your bank balance look healthy!!

The planetary tide from 1st through 10th, gives you a chance to dive deeper into self and do some kind of soul-searching to resolve old hurts, a kind of spiritual healing to begin a new chapter of your life. Again, from 1st September through 30th October (a long period!), will be a very busy period. This will be best time of the year for you for promotion, sales or may be giving interviews or preparing for competitive exams. You may be especially busy running errands and communicating with others through emails, phone and also internet. However, I would like to warn you, there is a possibility of some heated discussions that may escalate into arguments. There will be so much going on in your life, you may more clients, projects, etc that you may find 24 hours a day less to complete your tasks, wow! One chapter of your life is nearing an end and September-October are perhaps the last so maybe it is best to be physically FIT, get your routine checkups and make lifestyle changes. From November, Saturn too will move away from difficult sector of your solar chart, so double wow!!

Libra, from 1st September through 31st October, your money and bank balance is ‘charged’ sector of your solar chart. So much that to others you may seem ‘money obsessed’. This is a time when impulse buying may also be at a peak. You probably should avoid using too much debit or credit, simply because you may spend more than you intended to. As I said, your money and bank balance sector is ‘charged’ I don’t mean just outflow but this can also be a very resourceful time, when you can make and save money the most. It could be a period when you have desire to prove, primarily to yourself, increasing your financial net-worth (don’t deny it, this act does well for your inner confidence) and to others also using money and possessions as the means to do so. From 1st through 10th, your desires to serve and help others and you may also increase your networking. In your work, this is perfect time, to establish contacts because from last week of this month that is from 24th, you will work in seclusion, with extreme focus on future career advancement plans. From 6th through 12th, some pent-up emotions could burst out, possibly you feel so emotional, and this is not only connected with work, it could be your love relations or something to do with your children. From 24th September through 20th October, you will switch to ‘reclusive’ mode probably surrender yourself to the almighty, in way Libra’s you need this, why? Because Saturn, is preparing to leave your sign and not to return for next 30 years!!!  
Give in, let things happen on their own; this planetary shift will have its own rewards. Perhaps you are waiting for a miracle to occur and have faith and believe it!! 

Fiery Mars, charges you with energy from 5th September through 18th October, Wow! Scorpio’s, you begin a very important cycle of change for betterment from now. Nothing happens in a day but series of events will help you climb up. This is a phase when you will be busy with career and also personal responsibilities. Now, your career looks promising, so make a list of what you desire in your career, yes a ‘list’ a real list, not random wishes and think what all you are doing (or not doing) to achieve your career goals. This is very important because planets are so wonderfully aligned, anything is possible in next ten months from now but you need to do ‘karma’  with pure conscious and when you're driven by pure intention, you can be certain of a beneficial outcome. However, avoid being pushy, you must take charge of your life, but don't bulldoze over others by your assertiveness and physical vitality. From 1st through 12th, the need to be connected with your home and your inner self will also be strong, though career obligations and demands may not be easy to push. From 25th September through 23rd October, networking, meeting or collaborating will be high but you may also party more and meet your family and friends, it will be so enjoyable!!
