August 2015 Monthly Forecast: LIBRA, SCORPIO, SAGITTARIUS

LIBRA: Venus is your ruling planet and presently, from July 25 to September 6, is moving in backward direction as seen from earth, a situation that happens approximately every two years. I have a big big news for you Librans- in 6 months from 14th, planets will support you in career, money, family life and also marriage (if you desire to get married that is). As the month opens, Venus, your ruling planet, will first hold talk with planet of good luck, Jupiter, and then it will hold meeting with Sun, Moon and Mars. Imagine how hard it is to get all these planets to meet, work together, and to help you in a very powerful way. Nowadays, I find I can't even get my friends to meet me for lunch or coffee, let alone get big-deal planets do this. 6 months time starting from 14th, will be a critical time for making a name for yourself in your career, so if you are serious about your work, start finding new and more prestigious clients/projects (if self-employed) and if you are employed, you will need to start lining up interviews. Planet Mars in its meeting with your retrograde (read it sleepy slow planet!) Venus and made it very clear, that you will have competition, and will bring unexpected situations. Now, how to handle this amazing but challenging tide? Answer is not simple, as I foresee, some very unexpected twists and turn. For work, you must try for new position or job but do your homework on the company you are interested in joining, as you won't want to look uninformed when the interviewer or your client asks a question. If unmarried, you may now have to review and take firm decision and for married Librans, something important related with your spouse is indicated. You may also need to spend money to fix your family or property related situation. Sun and Saturn will be beautifully aligned giving you long-term benefits. Venus being retrograde things may happen frustratingly slow but you should not immediately reject what I have written for you in this forecast. Some wise words of musical superstar, John Lennon, who was a Libran, “Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans.” Be patient and persistent in your efforts.

SCORPIOS: As per Vedic astrology, planet Mars, rules over your sign. In six months from 16th, you will probably make efforts to initiate something new to expand your mind and to experience life. There probably will be energy and a spirit for adventure in you. Something philosophical, religious or spiritual may inspire you. As per ancient Vedic astrologers, education, studies and travel to faraway lands to see and understand different cultures expands mind and gives different perspective to life. You may now travel either for work or leisure. Some, not all, Scorpios may feel the impulse of learning further in a certain area, doing a specialization course or may now think of writing, joining a media group or may have a desire to publish a book. If, you do not travel, then probably someone from overseas may visit you or else you may receive some news. Scorpio’s, you are very fortunate to have Jupiter placed in your solar career house. This month on 4th Mercury will join Jupiter to bring advancement in your professional life. Venus, the planet of money, will stay briefly till 13th and leave but with a promise to come back later in month of October to bring financial gains along with career advancement. You might be asked to sign an agreement, contract or give a written legal binding. You may have to travel for work or complete any negotiation to nail the contract. Publicity, promotion, sales and marketing will favor you from 14th through 31st. There is positive energy in universe. You can go on vacation, if you so desire and you will come back with amazing memories. Having certainty in your ability to do what is right is the key to overcoming your doubts and your limitations.

SAGITTARIUS: Planet Jupiter rules over your sign. Your ruling planet will be holding hands with planet of intellect, Mercury. Relationship with your spouse will be upper most on your mind. It may be a time when need for intimacy and deep levels of sharing are heightened. Money, relations and emotions all feature in this process of transformation, if only to get a sense of what you truly are. You may delve more into physical aspect of all relations. This is period of maturity of mind, until you do not overcome your fears and crisis of life you cannot grow further in life. You may focus your energy upon getting in touch with what really matters to you and act upon this to make it happen. Life becomes much more effortless when you are living in alignment with what is important to you. Mars (the planet for you rules over children) will be pleasantly aligned with Venus, your children means so much to you and may need your support. If you plan to have a baby and need any kind of medical treatment or advice, the period after 14th is promising. That said, I foresee, this is a favorable time to start a financial plan, savings plan and, it is a possibility, you may take out a loan, make investments or do some kind of financial accounting. Insurance, tax, commission, rental or income from a source that is over and above earned salary or regular income can also be generated at this time. Money for instance in form of gift or inheritance, an insurance settlement or paying of your bills, sending in your expense report to your boss, sending deposits, etc etc in short purchasing all  money matters may be on top of your mind.


  1. Hi, I really like the way you predict the monthly forecast ! For librans, you say that the next 6 months are going to be both supportive and critical. Should marriage related decisions be taken after Venus becomes direct or before that ?

    1. You can take marriage related decisions but do not get married in retrograde Venus period.
      Thanks :-)

  2. Thank you for your kind response.


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