February 2016 Monthly Forecast: ARIES, TAURUS, GEMINI

 Planet Mars rules over your sign. I have something very important to share with you, normally your ruling planet, Mars, stays in one sign approximately for 40 days but this month, Mars will remain in one sign, from February 18th to September 18th (except for a brief period of June 18th-July 12th) for unusually long time. This unusual long stay of 8 months in one sign will have major impact on you as it is your ruling planet. The emphasis from now will be on your career and also on your finances. This month from 9th, stars will light your career sector. If, you have your own business or you are self-employed, please be very careful with investments and money you take on credit for work. In 8 months from 9th (remember, long Mars long stay I talked above!) you will progress but there will be many difficulties too. Stars indicate you will have to overcome many hurdles and challenges. And remember, the more challenges you will overcome, the more fulfilled the experience will be in the end. The benefit of astrology is that you can foresee how things may evolve in future, so to get benefit of astrological prediction I would ask you to be extra careful with taxes. Engage or employ right people for tax calculations. Professionally, your career will be of great importance for you from this month and there will be risk too, but with perseverance you will give shape to your dreams!

Planet Venus rules over your sign. Taurus, your ruling sign, is an earthy and a fixed sign meaning you resist change but this month you have to be flexible and fluid meaning train your mind to accept situations as they evolve. Universe or destiny understands you; life like water if it remains in one place it will get stagnant and retard growth. Expand your mind to learn something new. This month, from 9th, many of you may think of travel and you will benefit from travel in some way (could be money!) and experience too will help you unwind and de-stress. If travel is not on your mind, it is possible that you may think of high education, learning or upgrading of skills for growth as keeping in times with ongoing changes and advancement in your industry will be necessary. Taurus, now I would like to talk about something which your chart indicates will be of utmost important, from 18th February to September, if you are single, marriage will be on your mind for great personal need (or social need, as strange as it may seem!). If you are already married but there are difference of ideas or compatibility issues, be very careful as planet Mars, the fiery planet, will remain in this sector of your solar chart for unusually long stay. February is the month for love, as you have Valentine’s Day, so avoid disagreements with people you love and are important in your life. Remember, love is not something that can be learned or acquired; it is an essence within each of us, waiting to be revealed, though buried by layers of ego. Take advantage of reading this forecast, let go of ego or may be understand ego, as you, Taurus, are gifted with patience and love!

Planet Mercury rules over your sign and on 9th it will enter the financial sector of your solar chart. Gemini is an intellectual sign but this month you will be adopting a practical approach towards managing your finances. Some of you may invest in property, put your house on rent, or make extra money through commissions/sales. If you have some pending inheritance matter or legal issue, you may want to go for some kind of settlement. All in all, you want financial security and February is a good period to initiate. If you need a loan or capital stars will help in that too. This month, on 18th, planet Mars will enter an important sector of your solar chart, and it will remain in this same sector for unusually long period (about 8 months!). Your everyday life, the job you hold, the career you pursue, projects you do, people who you work for or people you work with and also your work environment will be greatly affected. You need to be aware that your own state of restlessness or frustrations will affect your health. Gemini, I am not trying to scare you but on the contrary asking you to understand situation that universe is sending towards you as challenge but of course with your inherent intelligence and gained wisdom you can deflect all challenges.   In life, we have to try, agreed it is not easy, but we should not see temporary setbacks as the final outcome!


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