October 2016 Forecast: ARIES, TAURUS, GEMINI

ARIES: Planet Mars rules over your sign. This month, when inspired, you will be totally focused and able to face any challenge with your will and determination. Your power of endurance will be stronger than most. However, you will not take kindly to people, who may try to bully you. Please, watch for dates close to 19th, for there is a possibility of power of struggle with someone in authority, it could be your boss, in-law, partner or a colleague. You may difficult to have a control over your anger, when provoked. Consequently, now you must be extremely careful, where you have lots to lose. Now, on the plus side, you may use this Mars energy to get even the most difficult of works done. You will love to remain active. If, self-employed, you may have new clients and business projects and if you are employed and looking for new work opportunities, the time period of 3 months, starting from 1st, is very good. This month, with all this surplus of energy that planets throw on you, avoid overindulgence with food or drinks. You can party (which you will be doing!) but act with moderation.

TAURUS: Planet Venus rules over your sign. This month your ruling planet is beautifully placed in its own sign, from 1st through 13th, thereafter it joins hands with Saturn to promote and advance your career. Stability and security at work will be your priority. Interestingly, you may get invitations for some get-togethers or party functions, as indicated by your planets, this is the month for you to enjoy and have fun. Although, money and expenditures will give you reasons for worrying too. Taurus, please, do enjoy for this life is precious and any moments we spend in smiling, laughing and with our loved ones are always special but, astrologically speaking, keep a check on the outflow of your money, as your debts, bills and spending this month may mount  . Dates—16th through 19th, indicate warlike power struggles in your love relations and money could possibly be a reason. 

GEMINI: Planet Mercury rules over your sign. You, your life and your personality is undergoing a series of change, as you move ahead in life, it brings with it many valuable lessons. Don’t feel sorry or sad, as these lessons will bring immense value to you in coming years. Dates, 1st through 19th, personally and professionally, planets are busy planning surprises for you. Some of you may think of starting some additional work from home or may be connected with internet. Mars (Mars is also called the God of War!) is in hard angles to Jupiter, for you, there may be some conflicts with your partner. Your work and career will be your top priority. Gemini, planet Jupiter will shower you with blessings, 20 days starting from 2nd October, are especially beautiful, some events or planning for future will bring optimism and personal happiness. You may now also be meditating about your living situation as to where to live or probably think of investing in real estate.
