A Period of Big Changes Begins: LIBRA

Planet Venus rules over your sign. Roll the drum as Jupiter, the planet of good luck and prosperity, will shift to your sign on 12th of September. Jupiter stays in one sign for about a year and in astrology, whenever Jupiter changes sign it is considered to be a very significant period of life. Jupiter is the planet that rules luck, personal growth, travel, opportunity and risk. Jupiter represents abundance, so whatever you plant during this one year. After one year, when you will look back, you will realize life changed for you in many ways. This prediction also holds true for those whose ascendant is ‘Libra’. Every incidence, experience and events that will occur during this one year will bring spiritual advancement. You could be presented with new opportunities that will expand your life in some way. Libra, I would want to give you an astrological advice here, Jupiter is indeed a planet of great opportunities but many times a person becomes too complacent and does not want to make an effort even though open door is right in front of him and all he has to do is walk through it. Libra, it is up to you whether or not you are going to take those opportunities, work really hard or let them pass you by. You do need to watch for being overly indulgent. This aspect can also lead to weight gain. Life will not remain the same for sure in coming one year. This period begins for you from 12th of September but you may actually see results starting from 20th of October. For past 5 years, Saturn, the planet of restrictions and delays, may have taught you many lessons, delays, caused frustrations, money problems and presented you with challenging situations, so along with Jupiter, Saturn is also now ready to reward you. Marriage, starting new business or work, having children, moving to new place, is possible from now onwards.Coming months hold many beautiful promise for you. Amen!!!


  1. Replies
    1. I wish you all the Luck.....let the period of one year be very good for you!!!

  2. Pls upload forecast for scorpio also


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